Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Yummy in my Tummy!"

Apparently, Madeline was thrilled with her dinner selection this evening because she kept repeating, "Yummy in my tummy, Mama!" Of course, she already had me in hysterics from the beginning of her meal when she was over the top excited about "BEAN BALLS!" being on her plate. She did in fact eat two helpings of "bean balls".

Any guesses as to what a "bean ball" is in Madeline's world? Yep, green peas.

(They are green like her absolute favorite veggie, green beans, so any food item that is green is automatically a "bean", & well, the "ball" part is probably self explanatory.)

Kids. They do say the funniest stuff, and I really needed that laugh by 6 PM today.

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