So yesterday when I got Madeline up for her 6 AM feeding, I noticed her little cheeks were bright pink, and her neck was bright red. I thought that was interesting, but I didn't think much of it and went about my merry way. Well, when I undressed her to change her diaper and put her daytime clothes on, she was covered in red blotches!!! There were blotches on her chest, belly, legs, arms, and even between her little fingers and toes. (I wish I would've take a photo, but I was too busy being a hypochondriac to think about a photo opportunity!) Of course, I immediately began thinking about my day on Thursday--what did I eat, where did we go, what did we do, anything out of the ordinary. Nope, nothing that I could think of, so then I my mind immediately thought about the gym kids care. What could she have caught from one of the other children? You can imagine the things I thought of and getting on WebMd didn't help matters or ease my mind at all. I had prepared myself to find out that Madeline had some awful skin sickness that would require a steroid lotion of some sort. Too bad my RATIONAL husband was out of town with work. So of course I called the doctor's office and made an appointment for later that morning. So I'm trying to go about my normal morning routine, but my mind is racing with what could be wrong with my little girl. Well, then it hit me--not even thinking I tossed in some of Madeline's clothes with our load of laundry on Thursday afternoon. The contaminated jammies that I removed from her Friday morning were a part of that laundry load. So, now feeling a little stupid and very over-reactionary (is that even a word?), I removed her clothes and inspected her body again. Well, she was considerably less blotchy, so deciding that the laundry detergent and fabric softener were the culprits for the awful skin disease that I decided she'd contracted. OOPS!
Off to the doctor I went with a very un-blotchy baby in tow. However, Dr. Kapp was extremely nice and politely explained that the red blotches (the few that were left on her body) were clearly a topical type irritation and be aware of lotions, detergents, fabric softeners, etc. when it comes to Madeline's delicate skin.
Note to self--Madeline's skin doesn't appreciate Tide and Bounce. Continue the use of Dreft and don't try to save time by tossing in her clothes with our clothes!
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