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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

School Carnival

Madeline's preschool class spent the month of October learning about farms, zoos, and ranches.  As a culminating celebration to the unit, her class participated in a Western Roundup Carnival.  It was pretty cute - there were a variety of stations that the groups rotated through such as apple bobbing, horseback riding on those old school pony heads attached to a broomstick, ring toss, hay bale rolling, and other fun activities.  It was a fun morning.
Madeline sporting her best cowgirl attire.

The parade of four year olds around the courtyard.

Bobbing for apples

A little bit of teacher assistance

Cheering on her classmates during the hay bale roll

Madeline was very excited for her friends.

Madeline's shot at hay bale rolling.  Her little buddy, Jubilee, pulled most of the weight.

Don't let her fool you - that look of hard work was all for show! :)
 The morning ended in a train ride.  What fun!

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