Amelia Bedelia, as Mommy & Madeline have nicknamed her, is growing like a little weed. So plump and so smiley! Daddy calls her "Smiley Pants." Amelia is starting to really get some belly laughs out, and "It's so cute!" according to Madeline. Speaking of Madeline, she ADORES her little sister and has become very protective of her in public settings. I've actually seen Madeline "scolding" other tots at the gym nursery because they are too close. "This is MY baby. Don't poke her head!" Madeline proclaims.
This last month has been a little bit of a rough one in the sleep department. I think she's just trying to figure it all out --- some nights she would sleep a straight 11-12 hours & some nights she would fuss at 2:30 AM, then again at 4 AM, and then again at 6 AM! And, napping has been a little bit wanky as well since we are on the go all morning long, so she's cat napping 15-20 minutes at a time. The afternoons have proven to be a little rocky as well in the napping department --- sweet baby can't decide if she needs a 3 PM feeding or not --- some days yes, and some days snoozing through it. I know in due time we'll get there, and summer will help when I'm not rushing us out the door to preschool and other activities in the morning. And, perhaps this Mama is pushing too hard for that nice long afternoon nap a little too early, but I selfishly am so looking forward to two children snoozing away in the afternoons to give me some down time to regroup. There are days at 5 PM when all three of us have a tendency to be a little ill tempered with one another.
Amelia's disposition is so sweet natured and laid back much like her Daddy. She just smiles and coos and kicks her legs even if her belly is growling or her diaper needs changing. Amelia even smiles while she's getting her little nose all sucked out with the bulb! Also like her Daddy, when she's had enough, she snaps, and let the full out screaming commence. It's not pretty because this child has a set of lungs on her. Luckily, she rarely gets to that point! The ladies at the gym adore her, and she gives them the best giggles and smiles. They've even said to me, "Does she ever cry?" Nope, not really.
She's loving her playmat now that she's figured out the whole grabbing and squealing thing. The mirror is her favorite part of the playmat, and I have seen her trying to almost roll over to grab at herself in the mirror. Quite the motivated one to get places unlike her big sister who just enjoyed being immobile. She's also loving her Bumbo seat. I'm sure it's refreshing to be sitting up a little bit, and the ladies at the gym stick her in the crib (in the mix of what's happening, but also out of probing fingers reach) all propped up in boppy pillows, and she's happy as a clam to take in the world around her.
Amelia Bedelia is just the perfect little addition to our family, and we couldn't love her more!
Amelia had her 4 month well visit today, and Dr. Kapp gave us the thumbs up. All measurements & developmental milestones are looking on target. Although she looks to be short and plump, her measurements speak otherwise.
- Weight --- 14 lbs. 7 oz. (77%)
- Height --- 25.5 in. (96%)
- Head --- 40.5 cm (62%)
She's loving her playmat now that she's figured out the whole grabbing and squealing thing. The mirror is her favorite part of the playmat, and I have seen her trying to almost roll over to grab at herself in the mirror. Quite the motivated one to get places unlike her big sister who just enjoyed being immobile. She's also loving her Bumbo seat. I'm sure it's refreshing to be sitting up a little bit, and the ladies at the gym stick her in the crib (in the mix of what's happening, but also out of probing fingers reach) all propped up in boppy pillows, and she's happy as a clam to take in the world around her.
Amelia Bedelia is just the perfect little addition to our family, and we couldn't love her more!
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