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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Special Getaway

Every year, my parents take my brothers and their wives, Eric, and I to a Clemson football game. It's our "thing" every fall to give us adult time together in a fun, relaxed atmosphere without kids. This year, Madeline spent the weekend with my parents' friends from their church, Ginny & John. (Ginny and John also travel with my parents on all of their fabulous trips every fall. Right now, they are all in France together having a wonderful time.) Ginny and John's personal grandchildren are in Texas, so as a result, Madeline (and Amelia) have become Ginny's next of kin, if you will. She treats Madeline as her own, and Madeline absolutely ADORES Ms. Ginny and Mr. John. Ms. Ginny and Madeline have a very special bond, and I am so thankful to have another "Grandma" in town to take care of our sweet girl for special getaways.

Ms. Ginny was beyond excited to keep Madeline for us while we went away to Clemson for the weekend. Madeline was able to play with another little girl down the street for several hours. I'm sure a nice little break for Ms. Ginny. Apparently, Madeline and this little girl played fabulously together.

Of course the weather was perfect for a Riverbanks Zoo excursion. Madeline loves the zoo, but she's not a fan of the animals so up close and personal.

See the sunglasses in the following picture? Well, Ms. Ginny felt like the sun was "so bright", so she declared that Madeline needed some sunglasses for the remainder of the zoo trip! :)

Again, Madeline made fast friends at the play area giving Ms. Ginny & Mr. John a chance to sit.

Madeline had such a wonderful time with my parents' dear friends, and Eric and I so appreciate their willingness to take our high energy 3 year old for an entire weekend! It was a win-win for us all!

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